reconnect with the natural rhythms of the Earth

Why Join a Moon Circle?

Moon circles are a beautiful opportunity to reconnect to and sync up with the natural cycles and rhythms of the Earth all whilst being bathed in the balm of the female collective.

It’s an opportunity to be part of a nourishing, supportive and celebratory circle where we come together to listen, share and collectively rise up.

The circles are a sweet mix of ritual, ceremony, sacred movement, meditation and song.

These circles are for you if you are yearning to feel more aligned with Nature and the natural cycles of the moon and the seasons.

If you are called to come together with other women in a community that is loving, uplifting and ready to grow together.

Return to your roots and the primal feminine

 Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need any previous experience to attend the Moon Circles?

No! Not at all. Come as you are. All are welcome. 

What should I wear?

Comfortable, easy to relax in clothes. Some circles will involve seated or laying down meditation.